
Tips and Tricks for uPVC Doors Maintenance

One of the golden rules of design is to live with what you love because that never goes out of style. So, if you have chosen uPVC doors as part of your home or office improvement project, make sure to shine them up like a new penny, else risk falling out of love with them.

uPVC or un-plasticised Poly Vinyl Chloride doors are roaring in popularity, and with good reason. These structures are light yet sturdy, easy-to-customise, non-toxic, secure, and ridiculously easy to maintain. But, even the best of materials demand their share of care. And, uPVC is no different in that regard!

So, if you are considering installing uPVC doors and are trying to ensure that maintaining them won’t be a hassle, learn all about the tips and tricks to show your uPVC structures some love.

Tip #1 Gather the Right Tools and Materials before Setting to Work

You can bring no deed to fruition without the right tools to aid the process. And, uPVC door cleaning is much the same. Here is what you need to care for your uPVC doors – a cleaning solution, dry and soft non-abrasive cloth, grease for lubrication, and some talcum powder for the gaskets. You can also use liquid soap or mild detergent solution instead of a cleaning solution.

As for the cleaning solution, all you need is some white vinegar mixed with water in a 2:1 ratio. Also, add some liquid soap or utensil cleaner to the vinegar-water mix, and your cleaning solution is ready. Equipped with all the raw materials mentioned above, it is now time to motor through the second step.

Tip #2 Say Good Riddance to Dry Dust Flailing on the Surface

Even before getting down to using the liquid cleaner, remove the dry dust and debris stuck to the uPVC frame and glass pane. No point dousing the door with a solution only to find dry debris scratch the surface. Take a dry and soft cloth and gently wipe the entire surface. Once it looks rid of dust and debris, it is time for the showstopper – our home-made cleaning solution!

Take the prepped solution and pour it into a spray bottle. If you don’t have a spray bottle, fill up any old shampoo bottle that has a pump nozzle. A pumping or spraying mechanism evenly distributes the solution in the right quantity and prevents overuse.

Tip #3 Start Spraying from the Top and Work Your Way Downwards

UPVC doors are so robust that the cleaning solution will only restore their old charm without hurting the surface polish. Spray the liquid from the top and let it spill towards the bottom and this is also the direction in which you will go about cleaning. The vinegar, soap, and water solution is suitable for both uPVC frame and the glass on the door if any.  

Make sure to look for grime in every nook and cranny of your door frame and spray on it twice or thrice. Once you are satisfied that the liquid is in all the right places, it is time to wipe the door clean. Here you must be careful to use a dry and soft microfiber cloth. Do not use a wet abrasive fabric or steel wool to scrub the surface clean as that may irreversibly damage the door’s finish. Once you have sprayed and wiped the uPVC door clean, take another bottle or a mug with clean water and splash some of it onto the door frame. You could skip this step if you did not use a lot of soap in your vinegar solution.

Tip #4 Grease the Right Parts and Ensure Smooth Operability for Years

Even though the main components on uPVC doors include glass and frame, one must not forget caring for the hinges, locks, and joints. After all, what good is your uPVC door if it cannot operate smoothly, right? Therefore, no maintenance of windows and doors is complete without greasing and oiling them.

All moving parts like hinges and other metallic components of your uPVC door must be greased and lubricated at least twice a year or each time you clean the entire structure. Avoid using cooking oil and use petroleum jelly instead. If you live in a particularly humid city, invest in store-bought grease. Do not lubricate wheels and cylinder if you have uPVC sliding doors. Doing this will cause them to malfunction. If there are gaskets holding the structure securely, sprinkle some talcum powder on them to ensure they don’t stick or malfunction. Any powder at home will do. 

And, That’s All Folks!

So, as you can see, maintaining uPVC doors is no rocket science. Instead, these structures belong to the ‘fit and forget’ category. Are you looking to invest in uPVC doors, but are confused about the glazing options at your disposal? Fret not! Reach out to AIS Glass for all your glass lifestyle needs. We are India’s leading glass solutions provider, offering glass solutions for a variety of needs – aesthetic, privacy, safety, energy-efficiency, and acoustic insulation.

Our team of experts is eager to help you with selecting the right glass, installing it onto the door, and proving excellent after-sales service. So, don’t wait before it’s too late! Get in touch with us today to know more about our entire range of products and services!


Lead-Free uPVC Doors and Windows to Save Environment

Living in metropolises and residing between high-rise buildings, most of us forget our responsibilities towards the environment. But, thankfully, several property developers and residents are now focussing on bringing green solutions into urban spaces. This drive begins with the use of materials that make a structure eco-friendlier. No wonder the use of uPVC doors and windows has become prominent for achieving greener buildings. 

What Is uPVC?

uPVC or unplasticized Poly Vinyl Chloride is a light-weight, sturdy, and low-maintenance polymer mostly used for door and window frames of both residential dwellings and commercial structures. Developers also use this material in a building’s fascia and siding. What’s more, is that uPVC is available in a host of colours and finishes, including the wooden ones. While there are countless fenestration benefits of this material, not many know that uPVC is also lead-free and environment-friendly. 

uPVC – An Eco-Friendly Alternative

Green buildings are the wave of the future as they support a sustainable lifestyle for the masses. Did you know that in India, 75% of trees that are cut are used to make doors, windows, and furniture? This practice is highly unsustainable, which can be curtailed by the use of alternate materials like uPVC. uPVC doors and windows are lead (Pb) free and are approved for ‘green building’ concept. uPVC profiles are specially engineered for the Indian tropical climate. Frame made from this material can hold a wide array of glass densities ranging between 4mm to 39mm. 

uPVC framing is 100% recyclable and can be converted into other products towards the end of their lifespan. Also, the waste scraps emerging from uPVC production are reprocessed and repurposed into other items. All of these benefits of uPVC make it a highly eco-friendly material that can surely add a lot to green building fenestration. But, this is not where the story ends! If you thought that uPVC is only useful as an alternative material, think again!

Other Benefits of uPVC Doors and Windows

The sustainability of uPVC is just one of the many unsung benefits of this material. Here are some of the other advantages of uPVC that are sure to make you sit up and take notice.

Improved Insulation

Energy-efficiency is at the forefront of every commercial structure these days, and uPVC doors and windows greatly enhance it. uPVC is a lousy conductor of heat, meaning it forms a closed air system and does not let hot or cold air escape a room quickly. This feature reduces the stress on your heating and cooling devices and also cuts down on energy bills. Due to superior insulation, uPVC windows and doors offer exceptional thermal comfort by maintaining an optimal interior temperature throughout the year.

Weather and Corrosion-Resistant

Several fenestration materials often face the wrath of weather and corrosion, but not uPVC. Structures made from this material are fully resistant to moisture, rust, termites, and do not lose their sheen for years on end. uPVC doors and windows do not react to air and water. These frames also don’t succumb to thunderstorms, torrential downpours, and dust storms. Immense resistance to all such unwanted environmental elements makes this material one-of-a-kind and ensures its longevity. 

Easy to Maintain

uPVC doors and windows fall in the “fit and forget” category. Since they do not collect any dirt, debris, or grime, you barely need to clean them. If you live on an especially dusty street, wipe them clean once every quarter, otherwise a mop-up once every six months is enough to keep them shining. Remember to wipe them with only a damp and non-abrasive piece of cloth, and you’re good to go.

Durable and Secure

uPVC is an incredibly tough material and does not require annual varnishing, polishing, or sanding. This material stays in top shape for decades. You can also rest assured of security when installing uPVC-based fenestration system because it can hold a multi-point locking system. Meaning, a uPVC window or door frame is sturdy enough to carry multiple locks placed on different points within its structure.

Design Versatility

Typically, uPVC doors and windows came in white colour only. However, all that has changed. Today, frames made from this material are available in a host of colours and finishes. uPVC doors and windows come in a variety of sizes, styles, and finishes. You can even achieve a wood textured finish in this material. Talk to your fenestration expert to learn more about the varied design choices available in uPVC.

The Bottom Line

To get the best out of uPVC doors and windows, rely on AIS Glass – India’s leading integrated glass manufacturing company. We boast a squad of well-seasoned experts who are fully equipped to help you with all your glazing and framing needs. AIS Glass has been around for several decades and is a name to reckon with. So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with us today to avail 360-degree glass solutions!


Best uPVC Window Designs for Your Kitchen

With delicious meals and precious memories flowing in and out of it, your kitchen is probably one of your most favourite spaces within your home. And if that is true, you would always want it to be a personalised, stylish, and airy space. While there is a lot you can do to amp up the décor of your kitchen, using the right kind of fenestration makes all the difference.

When it comes to kitchens, uPVC glass windows are undoubtedly the best fenestration choice you can make. uPVC as a framing material can be shaped and styled however, you wish. It can also accommodate a wide variety of glass types regardless of their thickness and other natural properties. Moreover, when coupled with the right quality of glass, uPVC doors and windows are very easy to clean and maintain.

If all these traits of uPVC doors and windows sound appealing to you, you should surely renovate your kitchen with a select style of uPVC windows.

Here are some you can try for a trendy kitchen.

Bay Windows

Is your kitchen smaller than you’d like? Do you want to extend it a little without spending a fortune? If your answer to these questions is a big fat yes, uPVC bay windows will be your best friend. Bay windows will break the quadrangular structure of your kitchen and extend it a little towards the outside. They protrude from your wall and create an alcove of sorts for the interior. You can use the extra space for a green herb garden or to store utensils. Since these windows also allow optimum light to infiltrate your kitchen, they are even perfect for congested or badly-ventilated kitchens.

Casement Windows

uPVC casement windows are one of the most prevalent fenestration options in modern homes. For kitchens, these windows are perfect regardless of the space and style. They can be customised to open outwards if space is an issue in your kitchen. You can use the space adjacent to the window to keep your stove or even some plants. Overall, casement windows are a classic yet pragmatic installment for modern kitchens of every type.

French Windows

French windows are floor-to-ceiling glass fixtures installed in minimalist frames that can open both inwards and outwards. uPVC French windows are common characteristics of most living rooms and bedrooms, but they are equally rewarding when installed in kitchens. They will light up your kitchen beautifully and will also add an illusion of extra space to it. For more elaborate décor styles, you can choose designer uPVC frames for your kitchen French windows. Similarly, for added security or privacy, you can choose toughened or frosted glass. With uPVC French windows, your design options are absolutely endless.

Awning Kitchen Windows

If there is one space in your home that needs maximum ventilation, it is your kitchen. Kitchens are home to plenty of humid air in the form of steam, oil splashes, and heat, and all of these need a path to escape your house. Awning kitchen windows can act as this path without taking up too much space on your kitchen walls. These are rectangular fixtures hinged at the top and openable from the bottom. Used conventionally as ventilators, these windows can be installed near the ceiling for maximum benefit in a compact kitchen. So, if you are struggling with limited air and improper ventilation, awning windows are the best solution for your kitchen.

Garden Windows

Are you looking to be a little experimental with your kitchen décor? Do you want all the herbs you use for cooking to grow in your own kitchen? Garden windows will answer these questions for you. These 3D glass structures are specially made for plants. They are tiny greenhouses that can fit in even the smallest of kitchens. You can have these windows protrude either inside or outside your house. In either case, ensure that maximum sunlight is incident on them.

Double-Hung Windows

Another excellent fenestration solution for compact or badly-ventilated kitchen is a uPVC double-hung window. These windows open both horizontally and vertically and have two panels. Since they open from both top and bottom sides, they allow the perfect amount of light and air inside your kitchen. You can place heat-emitting equipment such as stoves and microwave ovens adjacent to double-hung windows to derive maximum benefits out of them.

These uPVC window styles are popular among modern homeowners, mainly due to their versatility and sleekness. While uPVC as a framing material is in itself incredibly durable, architects and interior designers like to choose the best-quality glass as well, especially when it comes to kitchen windows and doors.

AIS Glass manufactures the perfect window and door glass for all kinds of frames, including uPVC. Couple your kitchen’s stylish uPVC doors and windows with the best-quality glass panes to increase their appeal. You can experiment with different glass colours, patterns, and cuts to try different décor styles. If you want to have your kitchen uPVC windows to last longer, have strengthened or heat-resistant glass installed in them.

Contact AIS Glass today to adorn your kitchen uPVC windows with the right glass type!


Top Tips If You are Planning Post-lockdown Home Improvement

Like every other country, India is also currently under the tight grip of the novel coronavirus. Although the lockdown measures have been relaxed to some extent, the scenario is far from the old normal. Notwithstanding how boring and idle it may feel, the lockdown has a silver lining too – the amount of free time people get to enjoy now, if used wisely, can be a very productive time. One of the constructive ways to spend the lockdown is to plan out future home improvement.

Yes, business activities are currently slack; however, they will not be so forever. Having a clear idea of what changes you desire in your home beforehand will not only make it easier for the service provider to cater to your needs, but you will also see a much more desirable outcome.

Ready but wondering how to go about it? Here are some useful tips on planning your post-lockdown home improvement project.

Tip #1 Carry out an Exhaustive Home Inspection

With the lockdown allowing some much-needed respite, now is the time to carry out a scrupulous home inspection. From doors and windows to roof and patio, check every element of your home to verify if any of them need a renovation. For instance – in case of doors and windows, close and open each to examine their operability, test their latches and hinges and see if there are any visible air gaps between the glass and the frame through which energy exchange can easily take place, even the pivots to check whether there are any creaking and cranking noises. Most importantly, do check your door and window glass’ condition, whether there are any cracks or chips; also, the locking mechanism of such components to be assured of their safety feature. Ill-fitted doors and windows are an invitation to burglars and intruders.

Once done with these, you must not forget to examine areas like the conservatory, terrace, patio, roof, etc. Check if any of these spaces have walls or glass fixtures with cracks, scratches, and breaks. Similarly, look out for any damage in the fascia, guttering, and soffits – for in case of any default, they may allow rainwater to seep into your home.

You should keep a diary in hand during the home inspection process. Note every single flaw that you can see and note it down in detail. This will help you have a clear idea of what improvement work needs to be done once you consult a reliable service provider post-lockdown.

Tip #2 Prioritise Your Activities

Once you have noted down all the areas in need of a make-over, it is time to separate the priority tasks from the bells and whistles. Edit your list to prioritise tasks in their descending order of urgency. You can begin by eliminating those renovations that can wait for at least half a year. Once that’s been segmented, start rating the top-priority tasks further – for instance, windows that need to be repainted can wait, no matter how bland they look, if you have glass panels that are about to yield and break, which should clearly rank high in terms of receiving immediate attention.  Safety over aesthetic appeal any day right?

Tip #3 De-clutter Your Home

Home improvement is not simply limited to what you can add to amp up the aesthetics and utility of your home. Sometimes, the most aesthetically appealing and functional homes are ones that are kept organised. So, if your home is drowning under the weight of clutter, it is time to get to work! Start identifying items that are clutter and discard them or put them up for a yard sale without any second thoughts. Now, what defines as clutter might be different for different individuals; however, most stuff that is actually “clutter” can be described as follows – items without a proper storage space, trash disguised as clutter such as age-old newspapers, magazines, even expired medicines and cosmetics, aspirational clutter such as that beautiful coffee table that you purchased but never really used, and sentimental clutter that could range from unused crockery to even an abandoned keychain (perhaps the hardest to get rid of). 

Removing clutter not only makes room for the meaningful items in your home but is also a type of self-care ritual.

Tip #4 Focus on the Exteriors

People often oversee an imperative component of house architecture – the exteriors. Façade, entrance, balcony, veranda, porch, fencing, etc. are usually forgotten during the inspection. Ironically, they’re the first pieces of architecture that your guests and visitors notice.

You should pay extra attention to the external facilities of your home. For example, ensure that your balconies are equipped with strong balustrades and barriers. Also, external doors need to be fitted with non-breakable glass panes and highly tensile framing material like uPVC or aluminium.

Once you’re convinced of their functionality, think of ways of improve their appearance, if needed – decorative glass solutions such as lacquered glass is available to take the look to the next level. Moreover, you can even get the fence repainted or install beautiful tapestry coverings for the porch seating area.

Home improvement may seem like a mammoth task but it becomes a breeze with a reliable partner such as AIS Glass. As India’s leading integrated glass manufacturer, we have helped countless homeowners like you revamp their safe haven and we can do the same for you.

For enhanced aesthetic appeal and advanced functionality – privacy, security, energy-efficiency, acoustic insulation, etc. choose AIS Glass for your next home improvement project!


Design Your Space With A Stylish Range of uPVC Windows and Doors

A versatile innovation of the modern world, uPVC is a polymer that finds application in myriad facets of our daily life. Based on polyvinyl chloride (PVC), it offers a sophisticated way to design doors and windows in homes and offices. Low maintenance and available in a variety of hues, it is a highly stylish option for designing spaces with aesthetically pleasing and utilitarian doors and windows.

What Can uPVC Windows and Doors Do For Me?

uPVC windows and doors offer unique benefits, with an additional edge of utility to their elegant appearance. uPVC windows and doors provide:

  • Thermal and Acoustic Insulation

When it is cold, they prevent the warmth inside your house from escaping. When it is warm, the heat outside is kept away. Vinyl windows are excellent insulators against both heat and sound.

  • Insulated Frames

When it comes to insulation against dirt, dust, and UV particles, the double sealing and EPDM gasket help keep these out. The EPDM is a material which helps to seal the area between the window glass and its body.

  • Low Maintenance and Eco-Friendly

No painting is required on uPVC products, so they are completely free of lead. This also makes the windows easier to clean.

  • Durability

A uPVC frame is superior to wooden frames – it is 100% resistant to termites and doesn’t rot like wood does. Since it does not need a coat of paint ether, your space is free from shabby-looking windows peeling at their edges. Galvanized steel reinforcements form part of the frame, so both aesthetic beauty and structural stability are guaranteed.

  • Aesthetics

Window frames and doors made of uPVC look modern and stylish – not out of place in the grandest of homes. Available in a wide range of designs and colours, uPVC allows for freedom in design.

  • Energy Efficiency

As the effect of heat insulation helps keep rooms warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer, the need for air conditioners and heaters is vastly reduced, subsequently saving you energy and money.

What Styles are uPVC Windows Available in?

Too many cooks spoil the broth, but too many design choices never hurt your space. Windows with uPVC frames, as well as doors made completely out of uPVC, can be done up in the style of classic wooden doors and frames. No matter what the rest of your home furnishings look like, there is a variety of uPVC options to go with them.

Apart from a plain but inviting white, uPVC windows and doors are available in a variety of wooden finishes, including:

  • Golden oak, emanating a gentle and warm aura that lends a cosy vibe to your space
  • Dark oak, that makes your home feel safe and private, while retaining a bit of nature’s flavour
  • Walnut, giving a relaxed feel to your space, perfectly suited for a space you can unwind in at the end of a long day

Apart from wooden finishes, the colour and pattern of the door or window frame can make for your space’s personality pop. What makes uPVC particularly versatile is the fact that it can be fitted into a wide range of window shapes and designs.

  • Arch designs for windows are a timeless classic. Since uPVC is an especially flexible polymer, it makes stylish arch designs possible. These can be inscribed with intricate patterns to add to their beauty.
  • A bay window is perfect for letting in sunlight. Coupled with the energy efficiency that uPVC naturally provides, this gives you even more of a chance to save electricity. A bay window can be fitted with a cosy windowsill seat and makes for a great reading spot.
  • Corner windows serve as a lovely bridge between the interior of the house and the outside world. They, too, let in an abundant amount of sunlight and a uPVC wooden finish can have them looking almost like portals to nature.
  • Casement windows open vertically and let ample sunlight into your house. They are also one of the most secure options when it comes to a window, since their locks are embedded within their window-frames.

uPVC windows and doors are, then, both pleasing to look even as they serve the functionality your space needs. uPVC can be customised to give your doors and windows a unique look. This makes it the perfect choice for your spaces, no matter personal or professional.

At AIS Group, we offer stunning uPVC window and door design solutions that transform the look of your space. Be it casement uPVC windows, wooden French windows, uPVC French doors, or simple sliding doors you’re looking for, our customized solutions will lend your space just the unique appeal it needs. Get in touch with us for elegant uPVC window and door designs today.


Reasons Why People Choose uPVC Doors

When deciding to redecorate or build a new space – be it your home or office – every piece of furniture must be selected thoughtfully. Doors play an important and integral role in the interiors of a room, lending in style and elegance to the space.

You may put your heart and soul into creating a lavish space replete with amenities. However, a bland entrance can set the tone for a dull space, irrespective of how vibrant your interiors are. In fact, most interior designers make sure that the first impression of your home or office is just as majestic as the rest of the space. To create a luxurious entrance along with charming interiors, several decorators are opting for uPVC doors and windows. While wooden doors hold a timeless appeal, uPVC doors have shot up in popularity in recent years.

More and more designers and homeowners are realizing the unique characteristics and endless benefits of uPVC doors and windows. And so, we’ve curated an exclusive guide that discusses uPVC, its distinctive qualities and why it is becoming the material of choice for designing commercial and residential spaces.

The Growing Popularity of uPVC

uPVC or un-plasticized polyvinyl chloride is made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC). This versatile polymer is used in everyday essentials, right from clothes to cable insulation.

uPVC doors have become a hit in the market, thanks to their exceptional features. These doors are extremely flexible, sturdy, durable, and offer remarkable insulative properties. With a high degree of rigidity, uPVC builds a strong foundation for sturdy door and windows frames. Moreover, these doors come in a variety of shades, are low maintenance, aesthetically pleasing and add a touch of sophistication to a space without compromising on functionality.

So what are some unique benefits that uPVC doors and windows have to offer? Let’s take a look.

Improved Safety

Looking to bump up the security of your spaces? Install uPVC doors and windows to improve safety. uPVC doors have an anti-crowbar feature which prevents intruders from forcing their way into the house. Their frames are made with galvanized steel which guarantees structural stability and enhances safety. Moreover, they have fire-retardant properties, protecting you in the event of a fire mishap.

Remarkable Insulation

There is nothing worse than living on a noisy street that poses a huge distraction. uPVC doors and windows are great insulators of sound and help create a calm ambience. They are also equipped with thermal insulative properties to prevent the warmth from escaping your house on a chilly winter evening. In summers, they keep the heat away and keep interiors cool. Vinyl doors and window frames have a double sealing and EPDM gasket that helps seal the area between the window glass and the body to keep the home insulated against dirt and dust.

Extreme Durability

Creating a durable space is always a priority when renovating your home or office and uPVC doors fulfil that purpose with the utmost ease. They come equipped with chemical, saltwater and UV-resistant properties. They are also 100% resistant to termites, do not require any layer of protective coating, and help maintain a clean space.

Chic Décor

Looking for trendy fenestration solutions that enliven the interiors of your home? Look no further than uPVC doors and windows from AIS. Available in a multitude of shades and patterns, they instantly add to the aesthetic appeal of your home. Owing to the versatility of uPVC, such doors are fully customisable right from the style of the frame to the type of glass that you wish to install. A variety of options from popular window designs like casement, awning and bay windows are available. Matching uPVC doors and windows like tilt and turn or sliding designs can really pull the look of a space together.

Energy Efficiency

Owing to their high insulation properties, uPVC doors and windows effectively regulate the temperature in homes and offices. Furthermore, they significantly reduce the need for air conditioners and heaters. This not only serves as an eco-friendly measure but also reduces your utility bills.


We know that they are energy-efficient, but there are several other reasons why uPVC doors are popular amongst environment enthusiasts. uPVC is a non-toxic material which is often used for medical and dental gear. Subsequently, uPVC doors and windows are created to be 100% recyclable, BPA and phthalate-free. Since they do not require any extra paint coats, they are lead-free too. All these factors come together to conserve energy and ensure uPVC doors do not leave behind a carbon footprint.

At AIS Glass, India’s leading integrated glass manufacturer, our mission is to transcend the ordinary with our top-drawer glass solutions. Our customized offerings transform your spaces while serving functionality. Looking for the most stylish décor options for your space? Get in touch with AIS Glass today and design your spaces just how you’ve always wanted to.


AIS World of Glass: The Perfect App for Selecting right glass solutions, Door & Window Glass for your space

When it comes to choosing the right glass for your residential or commercial space, careful planning and selection plays an important role. While best quality becomes the supreme determinant, different factors are taken into consideration depending upon where you want the glass to be installed. Providing stylish, aesthetic and strong glasses since long, we have been a leading glass solutions company. To let you choose quality glass at the ease of your fingertips, AIS World of Glass is the perfect app designed specifically to meet the needs of smart buildings with the latest technology.

Here are some of the best features offered by the app which makes Asahi India Glass Ltd. one of the best glass manufacturers in India:-

1. Glass Solutions: – The app presents detailed sections related to different types of glasses. There are five sections in total consisting of privacy, acoustic, safety, energy efficient and aesthetic solutions for you to choose from. These categorizations help ease the process of glass selection depending upon your requirement considerably.

2. Doors and Windows solutions: – The two substrates- uPVC and wooden – offer complete doors and window glass solutions. This ensures perfect blend of style and safety with superior amalgamation of form and function. All you need to do is install the app on your phone to have the customized doors and windows you always desired, in no time.

3. Specialized application: – Depending upon the type of application, AIS offers unique and advanced glass solutions. This means that you can choose a specific glass depending upon where you need to install them. For example- once you search for staircase glass, the variety of best class options will pop up for you to choose from. Same goes for canopies, sky lights, swimming pool and other places as well. These solutions are sure to add an aesthetic appeal to your interiors without compromising on quality.

4. Special experience zones: – Just imagine watching the glass switch from transparent to translucent at a single click right in front of you. Sounds interesting, right? Well, this is what the AIS World of Glass lets you do. You can have a first-hand experience in the privacy and security glass solutions option available in the experience zones to choose the best glass which suits your taste.

5. Connect with us: – The app also features a Connect with Us option where you can send in your requirements and get the best options available in no time depending upon your requirements.

6. Our Videos:

Explore our solution videos for better understanding of our product range through this section of the app.


AIS World of Glass: The Perfect App for Selecting right glass solutions, Door & Window Glass for your space

When it comes to choosing the right glass for your residential or commercial space, careful planning and selection plays an important role. While best quality becomes the supreme determinant, different factors are taken into consideration depending upon where you want the glass to be installed. Providing stylish, aesthetic and strong glasses since long, we have been a leading glass solutions company. To let you choose quality glass at the ease of your fingertips, AIS World of Glass is the perfect app designed specifically to meet the needs of smart buildings with the latest technology.

Here are some of the best features offered by the app which makes Asahi India Glass Ltd. one of the best glass manufacturers in India:-
1. Glass Solutions: – The app presents detailed sections related to different types of glasses. There are five sections in total consisting of privacy, acoustic, safety, energy efficient and aesthetic solutions for you to choose from. These categorizations help ease the process of glass selection depending upon your requirement considerably.
2. Doors and Windows solutions: – The two substrates- uPVC and wooden – offer complete doors and window glass solutions. This ensures perfect blend of style and safety with superior amalgamation of form and function. All you need to do is install the app on your phone to have the customized doors and windows you always desired, in no time.
3. Specialized application: – Depending upon the type of application, AIS offers unique and advanced glass solutions. This means that you can choose a specific glass depending upon where you need to install them. For example- once you search for staircase glass, the variety of best class options will pop up for you to choose from. Same goes for canopies, sky lights, swimming pool and other places as well. These solutions are sure to add an aesthetic appeal to your interiors without compromising on quality.
4. Special experience zones: – Just imagine watching the glass switch from transparent to translucent at a single click right in front of you. Sounds interesting, right? Well, this is what the AIS World of Glass lets you do. You can have a first-hand experience in the privacy and security glass solutions option available in the experience zones to choose the best glass which suits your taste.
5. Connect with us: – The app also features a Connect with Us option where you can send in your requirements and get the best options available in no time depending upon your requirements.
6. Our Videos:
Explore our solution videos for better understanding of our product range through this section of the app.


Casement uPVC Windows: The Perfect Choice for Homes

If you are a fan of classic architecture, then you surely prefer casement windows above other types. These windows are hinged on one side, which can also be top (awning) or bottom (hopper).
While other window variants have their distinct features and advantages, casement windows have been quite a popular choice in the country for a very long time. And as window manufacturing technology has advanced over the years, so has the construction and functionality of casement windows. This is where the wonderful material called uPVC comes into the picture.
While aluminium and wood have been common window and door profiling materials, uPVC doors and windows have emerged, of late, as the perfect blend of form, finesse and functionality. uPVC is an industrial polymer that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also lightweight, strong and durable. And when uPVC, specialized glass, and casement windows come together, they form an unbeatable combination for your home. Let’s find out why:
Weather-proofing and longevity
Unlike wood or aluminium, uPVC can withstand moisture, heat, cold, rain, winds, etc. This makes casement windows made from uPVC resistant to corrosion, chipping, flaking, pitting, or peeling. They are also fire-resistant. All these factors make uPVC casement windows very durable and long-lasting.
Increased ventilation
Compared to sash windows, uPVC casement windows have an open-out hinge that allows them to open completely. This enables air to enter the building even if the flow angle is acute.
Low maintenance
Since uPVC is weather-proof, it requires very little maintenance. uPVC casement windows can be cleaned quite easily and the frequency of maintenance is also quiet low.
Heightened safety and security
uPVC casement windows feature security hooks and compression rollers for added safety. Also, the internal glazing prevents removal of window glass from outside. These windows often have a double glazing, thus making them intruder and breakage resistant while simultaneously minimizing heat loss. These security features are very difficult to find in other ordinary windows.
Heat, sound and dust resistance
Another advantage uPVC casement windows have over other windows made from aluminium or wood is that they do not develop gaps or leakages after a period of use. uPVC is an exceptional insulating material and provides an able barrier to external heat, wind, pollution, dust particles, etc. This can be further bolstered by selecting adequate glass for the window.
While selecting your favourite uPVC casement windows, do keep in mind the kind of window glass you are opting for. This will depend upon any specific functionality you desire from the windows, such as protection against heat, energy efficiency, noise-cancellation, or privacy.


4 Types of uPVC Window Designs to Give Your Home an Enticing Look

The trend of using uPVC material in doors and windows has been on the rise, all thanks to the plethora of benefits it offers. uPVC material showcases a perfect blend of modernity and advanced features. It is a tough and durable material which is rot, heat and noise-resistant. It doesn’t require any high maintenance and can be easily cleaned using water and detergent. uPVC doors and windows have a huge success rate as apart from being durable and long lasting, they are reinforced with galvanized steel which makes them withstand adverse conditions easily.
The wonderful thing about uPVC is that it can be customized to suit a wide variety of window shapes and designs. If you want to impart your house that ethereal and awe-inspiring bespoke look, then selecting the right type of windows is critical.

Here are 4 types of uPVC window designs you can consider for the same:
Sliding Windows: –
Sliding windows are horizontal opening windows which provide great cross-ventilation and lighting options. They are easy to operate and provide unobstructed view of the outside world. They are also energy efficient, since they effectively block airflow from inside to outside and vice versa. Sliding windows aid in saving space too as they don’t occupy vertical space as in the case of normal windows. Your room will automatically appear larger if you choose them for your house.
French Windows :-
One sure shot advantage of French windows is ample lighting in your room. French windows usually have a frame that features window glass running through its entire length. Apart from lighting, they also make your house look spacious. They are most suitable for outer walls since they provide magnificent view of the outside lawns, gardens, pool or patio. They can be decorated with deluxe curtains and blinds to give your home a luxurious look.
Casement Windows :-
Casement windows are vertical opening windows fixed with side mounted hinges. They are one of the most widely preferred window designs. They can be opened widely and provide better ventilation as compared to fixed windows. Casement windows also provide high security since they are very difficult to break and their hook shaped locks are embedded within the frame making them untouchable from outside.
Two Sash Windows :-
These are made up of movable panels known as sashes. Two sash windows have been in use since ages and still continue to be one of the most popular choices especially in traditional homes. It offers a perfect blend of utility and attractiveness .It provides double ventilation benefit as when both the sashes are opened, it provides a way for fresh, cool air to come inside while letting the warm air to exit the room from top.

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