
Understanding Soundproof Glass: How Does it Work?

Have you ever wondered how soundproof glass works? This article will explain the science behind soundproof glass and how it creates a peaceful and quiet environment. By the end of this article, you’ll better understand why soundproof glass is so effective in reducing noise pollution. So, let’s dive in and learn about this fascinating technology! 

What is Soundproof Glass? 

Soundproof glass is a form of glazing that helps reduce sound transmission from one side to the other. It works by using two or more panes of glass along with a layer of air, or sometimes even a vacuum, between them. This “dead air” space effectively absorbs much of the sound energy, thus reducing the amount that passes through. In addition, different types of coatings and layers can be applied to the surface, which further helps reduce reverberation and reflections within an enclosed area.  

Combining these features results in significantly reduced levels of noise entering or leaving an interior space. Soundproof glass is often used in office buildings, conference rooms, schools, and theaters where noise reduction is desired, but visual clarity is still important. It can even be used in residential settings to reduce noise outside the home, such as traffic and other ambient noise. 

Benefits of Soundproof Glass Work 

Soundproof glasswork can greatly reduce the amount of noise allowed inside or outside a given space. This type of glasswork helps to provide insulation and reduce sound leakage, making it ideal for use in residential, commercial, and industrial settings. Soundproof glass has become an increasingly popular choice for businesses and homes because it offers increased privacy without sacrificing aesthetics. Here are some other benefits of soundproof glass work: 

Improved Acoustics:

Soundproof glass helps to improve acoustic quality by reducing reverberation and echoes, thus providing clearer sounds within the room or space. Soundproof glass is ideal for use in recording studios, musicians’ practice rooms, cinemas, auditoriums, churches, schools, and offices where sound quality is important. 

Increased Privacy:

As mentioned, soundproof glass can help create an environment with improved privacy without sacrificing aesthetics. It helps to keep conversations and other noises contained within the space and makes it much more difficult for outsiders to overhear what’s being said. This makes soundproof glass a great option for offices or any commercial building where confidential conversations must be held privately. 

Better Insulation:

By insulation against airborne and structure-borne sounds, soundproof glass keeps noise from outside sources from entering the room or space in which it is installed. This makes it perfect for use in areas such as bedrooms and living rooms since you won’t have to stress about street noise disrupting your sleep or conversations. Additionally, soundproof glass can help keep cool air inside during the summer and warm air during winter, leading to improved energy efficiency and cost savings. 

Increased Home Value:

Soundproof glass can add value to a home by providing an attractive feature that offers practical benefits such as increased privacy and improved insulation. Homeowners could increase the resale value of their property without expensive renovations by choosing this option, which is a great choice. 

The Bottom Line 

The use of soundproof glass is gaining popularity among homeowners and business owners because of its numerous advantages. It offers increased privacy, better acoustics, improved insulation, and can even boost the value of a property if installed correctly. With so many advantages, it’s no wonder why more and more people are turning to soundproof glasswork for their building projects.  

Soundproof glass can be the perfect solution, whether it is blocking out outside noise, providing a quiet atmosphere for meetings, or just adding a touch of aesthetic appeal to a space. 


Importance of Soundproof Glass

In an increasingly noisy world, the role of soundproof glass is paramount. Also known as acoustic or soundproofing glass, it is a potent barrier against external noise intrusion, fostering tranquillity in various settings. This specialized glass is pivotal for enhancing the quality of life in residential and commercial spaces. In this article, we’ll discuss the significance of soundproof glass and how it helps in creating a serene environment. 

Understanding Soundproof Glass 

Soundproof glass stands apart from conventional window or glass panels due to its remarkable noise-reduction capabilities. It features multiple layers and a unique core designed to dampen sound vibrations effectively, preventing them from permeating the glass. 

How Soundproof Glass Operates 

The manufacturing process of soundproof glass involves laminating it with a specialized PVB interlayer renowned for its exceptional sound absorption properties. This interlayer acts as a buffer, absorbing sound waves and preventing their transmission through the glass. The thickness and composition of the glass can be tailored to achieve varying levels of noise reduction. 

Advantages of Soundproof Glass 

Soundproof glass offers several noteworthy advantages: 

Noise Reduction:

Soundproof glass acts as a formidable barrier against external noise, effectively blocking out up to 90% of those unwanted sounds that can disrupt your peace and focus. This means that even in bustling and noisy environments, you can create a tranquil oasis within your home or office. It’s like having a protective shield that ensures your surroundings remain undisturbed, allowing you to enjoy a quieter and more peaceful space. 

Enhanced Productivity:

In commercial settings, soundproof glass enhances employee productivity by minimizing distractions from external noise, making it particularly valuable for offices, meeting spaces, and conference rooms. 

Enhanced Privacy:

Soundproof glass offers a valuable advantage in enhanced privacy. This makes it an ideal choice for spaces where maintaining confidentiality is crucial, like in medical facilities and meeting rooms. It creates a sound barrier, preventing sensitive information from being overheard. 

Better Sleep Quality:

Soundproof glass offers a significant advantage by improving sleep quality in residential settings. It acts as a protective shield, effectively keeping street noise and disturbances outside, ensuring a peaceful and undisturbed night’s sleep. This is particularly beneficial for those living in noisy urban areas or near busy streets, as it creates a tranquil and restful sleeping environment, contributing to better overall well-being and comfort. 

Energy Efficiency:

Apart from its noise-blocking properties, Soundproof glass offers a notable advantage in enhancing energy efficiency. In addition to reducing noise, it acts as an effective insulator. This insulation capability helps maintain a comfortable indoor temperature by preventing heat transfer, reducing the need for excessive heating or cooling.  

Applications and Benefits 

Soundproof glass finds application in various settings: 


It creates serene environments in bedrooms, living rooms, and home offices, effectively shielding against external disturbances like traffic and construction noise. 


Valuable for conference rooms, private offices, and reception areas, it ensures employees can work without disruptions, boosting job satisfaction. 


Used in consultation rooms and patient areas, soundproof glass maintains patient confidentiality and provides a quiet and conducive healing environment. 


High-end hotels use soundproof glass in guest rooms to offer a peaceful stay away from the urban hustle and bustle. 


Restaurants in noisy urban areas employ soundproof glass to enhance the dining experience for customers, reducing the impact of street noise. 


The importance of soundproof glass is evident in its ability to create peaceful and tranquil spaces in a world filled with noise. This valuable glass can transform your living or working area into a peaceful and tranquil environment. It doesn’t just block out unwanted noise; it also enhances your quality of life, productivity, and overall well-being.  

Transform your space into a haven of tranquillity with soundproof glass. Say goodbye to intrusive noise and hello to serenity. Explore AIS Glass today for the ultimate solution in creating peaceful environments. 


Soundproof Glass vs. Regular Glass: What’s the Difference?

When it comes to creating a peaceful and quiet environment, especially in bustling urban areas, soundproofing becomes a crucial consideration. While many people are aware of soundproofing techniques for walls, ceilings, and doors, the impact of windows is often overlooked. Windows can be a significant source of noise infiltration, and that’s where soundproof glass comes into play.

In this blog post, we will explore the difference between soundproof glass and regular glass, helping you make an informed decision when it comes to soundproofing your space.

Understanding Soundproof Glass

Soundproof glass, also known as acoustic or noise-reducing glass, is specifically designed to minimize the transmission of sound waves. It is engineered using advanced techniques and specialized materials to provide excellent sound insulation properties.


Soundproof glass is typically composed of multiple layers of glass with an acoustic interlayer in between. This interlayer acts as a sound barrier by absorbing and dampening sound vibrations. The glass layers are also often of different thicknesses, helping to disrupt the sound waves further.

Thickness and Weight

Compared to regular glass, soundproof glass is thicker and heavier. This additional mass helps reduce the transmission of sound vibrations, as thicker glass panels are more effective at blocking noise.

Benefits of Soundproof Glass

Investing in soundproof glass for your windows can have numerous benefits, including:

Noise Reduction

One of the primary advantages of soundproof glass is its ability to significantly reduce noise infiltration. Using specialized materials and construction techniques can minimize external noise, allowing you to enjoy a quieter and more peaceful indoor environment. This is particularly beneficial for homes, offices, or spaces located near busy streets or noisy environments.


Soundproof glass not only reduces noise but also enhances privacy. The multiple layers of glass, along with the interlayer, create a barrier that makes it difficult for sound to pass through.

Thermal Insulation

In addition to sound insulation, soundproof glass often offers superior thermal insulation properties. The multiple glass layers and interlayers can help regulate indoor temperatures, reducing heat transfer and increasing energy efficiency.

Regular Glass

While regular glass is the standard option used in most windows, it does not offer the same level of sound insulation as soundproof glass. Regular glass is thinner and lighter, making it less effective at blocking noise transmission. However, it still has some benefits worth considering:


Regular glass is more cost-effective compared to soundproof glass. If noise reduction is not a top priority, regular glass can still provide a basic level of insulation while being easier on the budget.

Natural Lighting

The regular glass allows natural light to enter the space without significant obstruction. If you have a room where noise is not a major concern, regular glass can be a suitable option to maximize the amount of sunlight in the area.

Seeking Professional Assistance

While it may be tempting to attempt DIY soundproofing projects, it is important to note that soundproofing windows requires professional expertise. Improper installation or the use of inadequate materials can lead to ineffective soundproofing, wasting time and money. It is highly recommended to consult professionals specializing in soundproofing to ensure optimal results.


When it comes to creating a peaceful and quiet environment, AIS Glass’s soundproof glass emerges as the ideal solution. Its specialized construction and superior noise reduction capabilities significantly outperform any other glass in terms of sound insulation. However, the choice between soundproof glass and regular glass ultimately depends on your specific needs, budget, and the noise level you wish to mitigate. Consulting with the professionals at AIS Glass in soundproofing will ensure that you achieve the desired results for your space. So, don’t let external noise disrupt your tranquility—explore the possibilities of AIS Glass’s soundproof glass and enjoy a more serene environment.


5 Benefits of Using Sound Proofing Glass at Home & Offices | AIS Glass 

In our increasingly noisy and polluted world, soundproofing glass is essential to soundproofing initiatives. Whether you’re looking to soundproof your home or office, sound proofing glass is a great way to keep noise levels down and provide acoustic comfort for the occupants of the premises.  

This article will discuss the many benefits of soundproofing glass in homes and offices. So, if you want to soundproof your environment, read on to learn in detail about the benefits of soundproofing glass. 

  • Sound Quality 

Soundproofing glass can help reduce sound transmission in home and office environments. It works by blocking sound waves through micro-perforations and acoustic insulation strategies. This helps create a more pleasant sound environment while providing additional privacy and sound control features. The sound quality of the space will be improved, as sound is reflected off surfaces at lower levels than with standard windows.  

In addition, soundproofed glass helps contain noise within a room rather than allowing it to escape from open windows or doorways. The result is better sound quality inside and outside the room or building. 

  • Low Maintenance 

Soundproofing glass is an ideal soundproofing solution for homes and offices because it provides sound insulation and has low maintenance needs. Unlike other soundproofing materials such as carpet or acoustic panels, soundproofing glass requires no additional upkeep or heavy cleaning to maintain its sound-insulating properties.  

Furthermore, since soundproofing glass is a permanent fixture and does not require replacement or removal as often as other soundproofing solutions, there are fewer chances of disruption should repairs be necessary. 

  • Offers Privacy 

Soundproofing glass is a great way to give your home or office sound insulation from the outside world. It can block sound waves from entering through windows, creating a more private living environment for you and your family. By soundproofing glass, you can enjoy peace in any room of your house or office without worrying about being disturbed by outside noise.  

In addition, soundproofing glass also helps reduce energy costs by keeping your heating and cooling systems running more efficiently. With soundproofing glass installed in your home or office, you can create a secure and comfortable atmosphere for everyone in the building. 

  • Durability 

Soundproofing glass is designed to be a long-term sound barrier that can protect against outside noise. The material is strong, durable, and resistant to wear with age. This makes soundproofing glass an ideal choice for homes and offices, as it offers lasting protection from sound without requiring frequent maintenance or replacements.  

Furthermore, soundproofing glass does not degrade over time like other soundproof materials, meaning you don’t have to worry about sound leaks or repairs. 

  • Improves your Home Resale Value 

Soundproofing glass is an excellent investment for homeowners looking to increase their home’s resale value. By soundproofing your home’s windows, you can minimize sound transmission throughout the house and create a quieter living environment. This can positively affect potential buyers when viewing your property, as soundproofing may be seen as additional insulation from outside noise.  

Furthermore, soundproofing glass provides numerous other benefits that can increase resale value, such as improved energy efficiency, better indoor air quality, and greater aesthetic appeal. 

The Bottom Line 

Soundproofing glass is an increasingly popular soundproofing option for homes and offices, offering many benefits. It can significantly reduce noise pollution from outside sources, creating a quieter atmosphere that allows people to live and work peacefully. It also provides better temperature insulation, sound absorption, and sound diffusion within the room itself.  

Additionally, soundproofing glass helps maintain energy efficiency by preventing sound waves from traveling through walls or windows. 


5 Ways of Soundproofing a House That Actually Works

Beep! Beep! – The sounds that nobody likes to hear. However, for the city dwellers, traffic noise like these has become an everyday reality; and when you couple it with noise generated by foot traffic, industries, construction sites, banquet halls, and others, finding a moment of quiet in the city can be extremely difficult.

Moreover, what is a home without proper comfort? If the outside noise keeps infiltrating your home, it can hamper your quality of life immensely. Homeowners can suffer from a lack of audio privacy, ample sleep, quiet indoors, and many other harmful effects. Furthermore, excessive noise can be detrimental to aspects such as communication, privacy, and health. This is why soundproofing homes is so important today.

Harmful Effects of Prolonged Exposure to Noise

Consistent exposure to external noise can lead to deterioration of physical as well as psychological health. Research suggests that prolonged exposure to high decibel sounds results in ill-effects such as hypertension, hearing impairment, cardiovascular disorders, sleep disturbances, tinnitus, high blood pressure, and other behavioural disorders.

Especially among children, chronic noise exposure can reduce their cognitive development and slow down their ability to read, write, and learn. As a matter of fact, noisy environments can also impact communication ability and speech intelligibility among children. Besides, chronic noise exposure can badly affect the adults, causing increased stress, annoyance, weak cognitive functions, poor recalling ability and productivity, and declining work efficiency.

Benefits of Soundproofing

Soundproofing methods can be extremely beneficial in cancelling out the outside noise. As homeowners, with proper soundproofing applications, you can eliminate the constant influx of loud noises and alleviate the ambience. In effect, your living space will become quieter, relaxed, and more comfortable.

Moreover, you can effectively communicate with your family members, receive important calls, while those who work remotely can get quieter interiors as soundproofing solutions aid in enhancing the atmosphere by insulating the external noise.

Also, since old people, children, or pets tend to be sensitive to external noise, you should consider installing soundproofing solutions at home to block out loud sounds effectively. By using soundproofing applications, you can ensure that your family members get to experience a comfortable and quiet living space.

How to Soundproof a House

There is a myriad of soundproofing solutions available in the market. However, soundproof glass solutions are the most effective ones. Here are the five ways of soundproofing a house that works.


Mostly, sound and noise infiltration happens due to the presence of drafts or inept sound insulation ability in windows. By installing glass windows with proper noise-canceling properties, you can facilitate a serene and undisturbed atmosphere in your homes. For efficient soundproof glass windows, you can install AIS AcousticglasTM as it can reduce 90% of external noise.


The gaps at the bottom of doors are common passages for sound and noise infiltration. To diffuse noise, installing glass doors that come with a high-quality insulating frame can be helpful. You can use double-glazed doors to insulate your home against unwanted noise and foster quieter indoors.


For the best soundproof solution, coupling thick blinds with windows that have high insulating properties is a viable choice. As they can damp external sounds, especially mid to high-frequency sounds, blinds offer a good acoustic solution for homes. Also, from an aesthetic standpoint, blinds can add to the visual appeal of your home.


Hard surfaces such as walls, ceilings, or floors reflect sound waves that can add to the noise level inside your home. However, surfaces made of glass can absorb sounds, especially processed glass with high insulating properties, so they are good for soundproofing. By incorporating glass surfaces such as glass table-tops in your living space, you can reduce sound from bouncing off and lower the levels of indoor reflected noise.

Internal Partitions

Did you know that sound can travel through walls? To prevent this, homeowners can install glass partitions instead of regular drywalls to divide the internal space. Internal glass partitions can substantially reduce noise levels and offer enhanced indoor acoustics. Moreover, glass partitions do not develop drafts or gaps over the years, which makes them effective in the long run.

The Bottom Line

Neglecting the harmful effects of noise isn’t ideal; think – adverse impact on physical and mental health, sleep disturbances, lack of peace, and addition to stress levels. Therefore, serious considerations should be given to soundproofing solutions.

With a simple solution such as soundproof glass windows, you can reduce or eliminate noise and unwanted sounds effectively and promote quiet and calm indoors, making your home a comfortable haven.

For effective soundproofing solutions, choose India’s leading integrated glass manufacturer – AIS Glass. Our AIS Acousticglas in combination with air-tight door and window frames in UPVC, wood, and aluminium, will dampen external noise and enable you to enjoy peaceful interiors. We provide solutions right from the manufacturing of glass, processing, fabrication, to installation and post-installation, for a hassle-free service.

For effective soundproofing glass solutions, AIS Glass must be your top pick. Get in touch with us today!


5 Soundproofing Tips to Block Street Noise

It is no secret that our cities have gotten painfully noisy over the last decade? This problem is not limited to peak office hours anymore. The sound of construction and traffic is a constant cacophony throughout the day and sometimes even at night.

Street noise creates stress and fatigue. Your home should be a place where you can wash off the day’s troubles and unwind in peace. If you live in a cacophonous neighbourhood with no recourse, then soundproofing your windows and doors is the ultimate solution to your noise-related woes. The same goes for office settings. Noise pollution thwarts productivity. Imagine getting a task done with horns blaring right outside your office window. 

A wall is a solid, sealed structure that does not allow for sound to seep inside. It is the windows and doors that act as the main source of noise leakage. A window and door is essentially a hole in the wall allowing sound to drain in or out. In modern architecture, a lot of stress is being laid on replacing long solid walls with a large number of glass windows and doors. Increased fenestration requirements have opened up spaces and ushered in more natural light, but this has also increased the potential of noise seeping inside our dwellings. 

5 Ways to Block Street Noise

A significant reduction in sound can simply be achieved by taking care of the main sources leaking noise inside – doors and more importantly windows. It is impossible to control your external surroundings, but here are some nifty tips that can help you reduce street noise.

Install Soundproof Windows

Sound proof glass windows are specially designed to reduce noise caused due to street commotion by up to 42 decibels. This feat is possible due to double glazing. Two layers of laminated glass are fitted inside a single frame that traps external noise between them. Double-glazed acoustic windows absorb noise and ensure that it does not reverberate inside a room. For example, windows made from AIS Acoustic glass have exceptional sound absorption properties. They can kill street noise by up to 90%, which is 60% more than an ordinary 5mm glass window. 

The Science behind Soundproof Windows

These windows must create a barrier between the noise and your ear to reduce sound. This barrier has to be strong enough to fragment and capture sound waves. Walls, doors and windows, all act as a barrier that catches sound all day. To increase a window’s ability to absorb noise, a manufacturer has to do three critical things – add more mass to a glass pane by cutting it thicker, increase the space between two glass panes to add more area for sound waves to get trapped, use a glass-plastic-glass specialised sandwich pane.

Double-paned sound proof glass along with airtight framework is the best at blocking sound. This is by far the most effective solution for curbing street noise. Apart from blocking noise, sound proof glass also increases thermal comfort, is easy to install and maintain, provides UV protection, and reduces the amount of dust entering inside your home or office.

Seal Sound Leaks

Look over your walls closely for cracks or gaps, especially near the window frames. Even the tiniest of gaps make a room susceptible to external noise leaking in. Once you have located cracks or gaps, get a professional to look them over. The professional may suggest replacing your window(s) with sound proof glass if they have become too old and are adversely affecting the structural strength of your walls, causing cracks and gaps. Otherwise, get these gaps sealed with noise-blocking caulk or sealant.

Reinforce With Soundproof Curtains

If you live in a particularly noisy neighbourhood, you may need to go a step further after installing sound proof glass windows. Once the installation process has been completed, lace the windows with sound blocking curtains, which are specifically designed to cull street noise. Remember that these curtains work best only when installed with the support of soundproof windows. Installing thick soundproof curtains as a stand-alone item will prove to be a waste of money.

Build Natural Barriers

Do you know that plants and shrubs can fragment sound waves and are good noise barriers? If you live in a house on the ground floor, with a small lawn or a footpath right outside, plant a line of tall shrubs. Not only will this help the environment and enhance the overall beauty of your home, but it will also significantly cull street noise.

Reinforce Your Doors

A lot of noise tends to sneak into your homes through doors. For instance, if you live by the highway, consider installing a solidly sealed wooden glass door. Both wood and glass are excellent materials for absorbing sound. Wooden glass doors also provide a sense of openness and usher in a great deal of natural light.  

Final Thoughts

Looking to improve acoustics and reduce street noise pouring inside your home or workplace? Turn to AIS Glass and counter this problem permanently. Our sound proof glass windows come laminated, featuring a PVB interlayer layer that has exceptional sound absorption qualities. Our sound proof glass windows can reduce external noise by up to 40%.

So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with us today!


Steps to Install Soundproof Glass at Your Home

Have you noticed how noisy our cities have gotten over the last decade? Earlier, people who lived on main city roads would often complain about the noise pollution, but now it has spread out to even the not-so-busy streets. External noise creates stress and fatigue. People may say and believe that they’ve gotten “used to” such noises that invade their nap-time and private moments but the truth is – noise pollution is not acceptable. Your home should be a place where you can unwind in peace and not have to tolerate loud blaring of horns and partying neighbours. If you live in a cacophonous neighbourhood and are looking for some quiet then fortifying your windows with soundproof glass is the ultimate solution to your noise-related woes. 

The windows and doors of your home are the sources that let in noise in 90% of cases. A wall is solid and reduces the ambient noise transfer but a window or a door is essentially a hole in the wall that allows sound transmission. Therefore, a reduction in sound can simply be achieved by taking care of your doors and more importantly windows as they are far more in number, especially in modern homes.

What Are Sound Proof Glass Windows?

Soundproofed windows are specially designed to reduce the ambient noise pouring into your home by up to 42 decibels. The magic lies in the soundproof glass – laminated glass whose special PVB interlayer is responsible for reducing noise intrusion. Along with sound reduction by disallowing noise from entering your home in the first place, these windows also absorb sound and stop the noise that does get inside your home by not letting it reverberate.

The Science Behind Sound Proof Glass Windows

To reduce noise, a barrier must be created between the sound and your ear. This barrier has to be strong enough to capture the sound waves. Everything in your home, from walls to doors to windows acts as a barrier that captures the sound. To increase a window’s ability to block noises, a manufacturer has to do three critical things – cut the glass thicker to add more mass, create and increase the space between two glass panes to add air space, use a glass-plastic-glass sandwich, also called laminated glass.

These three solutions are at the very foundation of soundproofed windows. While getting them professionally-installed, you can even ask your expert to elaborate on these pointers to gain more knowledge about your purchase.

Benefits of Sound Proof Glass

Apart from the obvious benefit of keeping noise pollution culled and providing for a more comfortable overall dwelling experience, sound proof glass has other advantages as well. 


This is an overlooked advantage of sound proof glass. They keep your interiors cleaner by reducing the amount of dust, dirt and moisture entering your homes more than other types of windows. The design of these windows does not allow grime or dirt to stick or settle down around them, which means that they are also much easier to clean. Since window cleaning often takes extra time and effort, installing sound proof glass in windows can provide you with a maintenance-free pass.

Increased Thermal Comfort

Sound proof glass also insulates your home. Windows installed with sound proof glass keep interiors cooler during the summer by radiating the heat back towards the exteriors. Alternatively, they do not allow for warm air to escape from inside your house easily, thus, keeping your home’s temperature higher during the wintertime. This also makes them energy-efficient. You can save significantly on heating and cooling the interiors if you have sound proof glass installed. 

UV-Protection and Optimal Glare Management

As discussed, soundproofed windows are well-insulated. This means that you enjoy all the benefits of solar light without running the risk of exposure to solar glare or harmful UV rays. These windows allow the divine natural light to pass through while absorbing the harmful UV rays. This is not only beneficial for your skin but also for the lifespan of your interior furnishings. Overexposure to sunlight can fade your rugs, carpets, and upholstery. Sound proof glass can ensure that this does not happen.

Sound Proof Glass Window Installation

Sound proof glass windows should be installed by a professional service only. Call a trusted vendor that has made a name for themselves in the glass industry. Get in touch with the company’s representative and request a quote for your specific requirements before committing. Additionally, talk to them about their installation process, the training and experience of their technicians, and the total time they will take to fulfill your window requirements. 

Another important thing that you should discuss is the STC or Sound Transmission Class rating of the glass used. The STC rating measures the amount of noise stopped at 10 most common frequencies, measured in decibels. Glass panes with higher STC ratings are better. The quality of this conversation will speak volumes towards how truly professional the company is. Ask them about the nature of guarantee their products come with. Quizzing them about their products and services is critical before you make the leap.

Sleep Tight with AIS Acousticglas

Looking to improve acoustics and reduce ambient noise in your home? Turn to AIS Acousticglas for the best-quality soundproofed windows. Our Acousticglas is a laminated glass, featuring a special PVB interlayer that has exceptional sound absorption qualities – external noise by upto 90% can be reduced, which is 60% greater sound-insulation as compared to normal 5mm glass. So, what are you waiting for? Your ticket to Slumberland is here! Get in touch with us today.


Are Soundproof Glass Really Effective?

Ever been awoken by squealing kids playing in the street when all you wanted to do is rest and sleep on your day off? Find yourself constantly getting distracted at work due to a construction project happening near your office? If so, you’re not alone. The rapid urbanisation and overpopulation have tremendously increased noise pollution levels all over the world. Before we deal with the woes of incessant street noise, it is essential to realise that your homes serve as a getaway from all your worries from the outside world. It is the one place where you can melt your troubles away as you relax and unwind with your loved ones. Similarly, an office is supposed to be the place where you can have a steady flow of creative thoughts, unique ideas, and fun and interactive brainstorming sessions with your colleagues.

But thanks to noise infiltrating every aspect of our lives, it has become increasingly difficult to live in the moment and not get distracted every minute. And if any of you have experienced these thoughts, you may have considered implementing several solutions to create a noise-free environment right from earplugs to installing heavy doors.  But in reality, the best and truly effective solution is to install doors and windows with soundproof glass.

The Need for Soundproof Glass

Even though soundproof glass is a common buzzword when looking at acoustic solutions for homes and offices, several people lack awareness about the integral role they play in protecting our health. If you ever suffered from fatigue, stress, or disturbed sleep due to excessive outside noise, you should know that these are just the tip of the iceberg. The increasing levels of noise pollution have been causing adverse effects on people’s minds as well as physical health. Research has shown a direct link between chronic noise pollution and increased high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease.

Several people being subjected to extreme levels of noise pollution may condition their brain to tune it out as white noise. For instance, people being subjected to daily noise of heavy machinery near construction and renovation projects may stop acknowledging the noise altogether. However, people working or living near these areas may slowly start developing other psychological issues such as stress, loss of memory, irritability, and short temper. Owing to the increasing population and rapid urbanisation, escaping outdoor noise is not an option anymore. But you can control your indoor environment to protect yourself from spoiling your health. Implementing proper measures to block sound from your home is not only beneficial for you but also ensures the wellbeing of your loved ones. Besides, taking the necessary steps to reduce noise disturbance and making the home or office a noise-free environment helps to reduce distractions and increases productivity.

As you can see, noise pollution may not have very distinct symptoms to tell you when it is the right time to install doors and windows with soundproof glass, but taking precautionary measures is the best way to reduce the adverse effects of noise pollution. Despite realising the importance of soundproof glass, however, several people may find themselves questioning their efficiency. And people who have not seen soundproof glass work their magic may often be swayed by other people’s opinions such as soundproof glass is inefficient at worst and a placebo effect at best. That’s why we’re here to debunk the myths about soundproof glass.

How Does Soundproof Glass Work?

Soundproof glass generally has a special layer of PVB interlayer sandwiched in between two standard glass panes. The specialised PVB interlayer possesses excellent sound-absorption properties and efficiently blocks out up to 60% of the external noise by preventing noise frequencies from vibrating from one glass pane to the other. Essentially, soundproof glass manufactured in such a manner functions in the following two ways –

  • It reflects the noise back towards its source (Meaning, the external noise is reflected back to the outdoors)
  • It absorbs the noise within the glass (This is done by the dampening core or the PVB interlayer)

At AIS Glass, we have designed the superior AIS Acousticglas TM to help you enjoy peace and tranquillity. It features a functional PVB interlayer to dampen external sound and reduce noise up to 42 decibels. Combined with fusion-welded and double-sealed mechanisms for sound insulation, this durable glass also exudes class and elegance to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your spaces while simultaneously creating a noise-free environment.

Soundproof glass is definitely a hit, and more people need to realise its importance in their lives. And now that you do head over to AIS Glass to pick out your soundproof glass or get it customised to match all your acoustic and interior needs. Get in touch with us today!

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